On The Road: Cultivate17
John Morgan
This weekend join Bob’s Market online as we head to Columbus, OH for the Cultivate 2017 conference and trade show. Follow along with our own John Morgan as he attends the Urban Agriculture tour on Saturday, visits the Franklin Park Conservatory on Sunday, and the Ohio State University Trial Gardens on Monday. Also, watch our Facebook Page, Instagram, and Snapchat stories for other updates, awesome ideas, and more.
So what exactly is Cultivate?
Franklin Park Conservatory
So what exactly is Cultivate? It is one of the largest events in the horticultural industry. Each year around 15,000 people from all over the world attend! Prior to 2014, the event was known as the OFA Short Course. Our own Bobby Barnitz was the President of OFA from 2007 to 2008. Then, in 2011, Bob’s Market was named Greenhouse Operation of The Year! In 2014, OFA - The Association of Horticultural Professionals and the American Nursery & Landscape Association combined to form AmericanHort. Since then the event has been known as Cultivate.
2016 Keynote
At Cultivate we’ll visit trade show booths from suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and many others that help Bob’s succeed. It also gives us a chance to network with wholesale customers, other retailers, and the many friends we’ve made over the years. Many of us, myself included, will also attend educational sessions, presentations, and "round table" meetings to learn about legislation effecting our industry, new trends and technology, and exchange ideas with other industry professionals.
OSU Trial Gardens
This weekend will give you a look at a side of Bob’s rarely seen if you visit one of our market locations. At the trial gardens, for example, you’ll see one of the ways growers determine what varieties we’ll be offering the coming year. You’ll also see new varieties that aren’t on the market yet. It’s trade shows like this that help determine what ends up in our greenhouses both for our wholesale customers and, ultimately, our markets.